Out-of-School Time Quality Program

Winchester, VA

Program Summary

  • Goal: To improve Out-of-School Time (OST) quality within our OST programs serving Winchester city’s elementary school-aged children, to include integrating literacy growth strategies into the work.
  • Framework: The Winchester OST Quality Strategy is designed to first train Literacy Volunteers Winchester Area staff on the Weikert quality assessment model. Then, Literacy staff will partner with local OST organizations to administer the assessment tool, assist in the development of an action plan, and support local organizations in action plan implementation. Concurrent to the usage of Weikert, Literacy will partner with OST organizations to help develop or expand academic and literacy supports during after-school and summer programming.
  • J2W will provide 3-years of funding to the cost of the program.

Measures of Performance

Coming Soon!

Data Analysis

  1. Goal: To improve Out-of-School Time (OST) quality within our OST programs serving Winchester city’s elementary school-aged children, to include integrating literacy growth strategies into the work.
  2. Framework: The Winchester OST Quality Strategy is designed to first train Literacy Volunteers Winchester Area staff on the Weikert quality assessment model. Then, Literacy staff will partner with local OST organizations to administer the assessment tool, assist in the development of an action plan, and support local organizations in action plan implementation. Concurrent to the usage of Weikert, Literacy will partner with OST organizations to help develop or expand academic and literacy supports during after-school and summer programming.
  3. Theory of Change: There are a variety of OST organizations operating in Winchester. Some have a strong focus on academic and social-emotional supports and others have a stronger emphasis on play. These programs see hundreds of Winchester city students every year. OST programs have the opportunity to be not only safe and fun spaces, but places that can further help our children with additional academic and social-emotional enrichment supports. We believe if we can further improve program quality and delivery, while offering more time for homework completion, tutoring, and reading time, we can augment our students’ education.
  4. Performance Measures: We will begin this project with a focus on process and output measurements, which will include a phased approach to Weikert training and initial OST early influencer implementation. As Literacy Volunteers complete the training, at the end of year-1, we expect to have a series of more significant outcome measurements that will include action plan monitoring and student/staff growth analyses as well as defined outcome measures around literacy growth.