PSEP Pre-Kindergarten Center

Dorchester County, MD

Program Summary

  • Goal: To increase access to quality early learning opportunities for economically-disadvantaged children in Dorchester County, MD. The Pine Street Enrichment Program (PSEP) Pre-K program, under the direction of the Cambridge Empowerment Center (CEC) non-profit agency, will serve up to 20 children (3-5 years of age) in the Cambridge community.
  • Background: Cambridge has a significant population of low-income families, with many struggling to close the academic and socioemotional learning achievement gaps that develop during the early childhood years and continue to widen over time. The CEC has a long and rich history of serving disadvantaged youth in Cambridge, MD, targeting the Pine Street community, with a focus on out-ofschool time (OST). There remains a dearth of opportunity to access high-quality, private and licensed Pre-K programs for lower-income families with children ages 3-5. Historical data suggests that these families lack the resources, space, or ability to attend other private programs, Head Start, or DCPS Pre-K3 or Pre-K4 programming. The CEC is the only OST organization operating in Cambridge with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) licensure needed to open and operate a daycare program out of the Center. Adding this opportunity, in conjunction with the OST program (both after-school and summer) will increase efficiency usage of the building while filling a much-needed gap in community services.
  • Theory of Change: We believe that if the CEC can acquire the appropriate staffing, recruit an appropriate number of students to participate in the program, and deliver an MSDE-approved Pre-K curriculum at the appropriate level of quality, then the participating students will be more prepared to enter DCPS kindergarten; their respective parents or caregivers will be given the opportunity and peace of mind to offer their children a unique opportunity to attend a licensed, private daycare program that would have otherwise not been possible; and, the program will help reduce the overall gap in pre-K access that currently exists in Dorchester County.
  • Framework: CEC will offer a Pre-K program that will meet MSDE licensing requirements, available for children ages 3-5 years old, with a maximum capacity of 20 students. The program will run in parallel with the DCPS school year calendar. The program will run Monday – Thursday from 9 am – 12 pm and will require 2 licensed staff members and one volunteer during the school day. The program will ensure an MSDE-approved Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 curricula.

Measures of Performance

Coming Soon!

Data Analysis

  1. Goal: To increase access to quality early learning opportunities for economically-disadvantaged children in Dorchester County, MD. The Pine Street Enrichment Program (PSEP) Pre-K program, under the direction of the Cambridge Empowerment Center (CEC) non-profit agency, will serve up to 20 children (3-5 years of age) in the Cambridge community.
  2. Background: Cambridge has a significant population of low-income families, with many struggling to close the academic and socio-emotional learning achievement gaps that develop during the early childhood years and continue to widen over time. The CEC has a long and rich history of serving disadvantaged youth in Cambridge, MD, targeting the Pine Street community, with a focus on out-of-school time (OST). There remains a dearth of opportunity to access high-quality, private and licensed Pre-K programs for lower-income families with children ages 3-5. Historical data suggests that these families lack the resources, space, or ability to attend other private programs, Head Start, or DCPS Pre-K3 or Pre-K4 programming. The CEC is the only OST organization operating in Cambridge with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) licensure needed to open and operate a daycare program out of the Center. Adding this opportunity, in conjunction with the OST program (both after-school and summer) will increase efficiency usage of the building while filling a much-needed gap in community services.
  3. Theory of Change: We believe that if the CEC can acquire the appropriate staffing, recruit an appropriate number of students to participate in the program, and deliver an MSDE-approved Pre-K curriculum at the appropriate level of quality, then the participating students will be more prepared to enter DCPS kindergarten; their respective parents or caregivers will be given the opportunity and peace of mind to offer their children a unique opportunity to attend a licensed, private daycare program that would have otherwise not been possible; and, the program will help reduce the overall gap in pre-K access that currently exists in Dorchester County.
  4. Framework: CEC will offer a Pre-K program that will meet MSDE licensing requirements, available for children ages 3-5 years old, with a maximum capacity of 20 students. The program will run in parallel with the DCPS school year calendar. The program will run Monday – Thursday from 9 am – 12 pm and will require 2 licensed staff members and one volunteer during the school day. The program will ensure an MSDE-approved Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 curricula.
  5. Measures of Performance: Assessment data may be either derived from curricula or, if none provided, derived internally between CEC and J2W. Initial metrics will be approved by both parties prior to the start of the school year (September 1, 2024), understanding these metrics may evolve over time along with the inclusion or removal of metrics based on what we learn. Potential data sets may include:
    1. Output measures: Number of students participating in the program, disaggregated by age band.
    2. Output measures: % of students considered low-income, as measured by free/reduced meal eligibility or other income guidelines.
    3. Outcome measures: Academic growth data (fall and spring).
    4. Outcome measures: Developmental screening and referral feedback.
    5. Outcome measures: Satisfaction surveys (pre/post) from participating families.
    6. Impact measures: Performance of students, based on fall Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA), that graduate the program and matriculate into DCPS kindergarten to measure effectiveness of the instruction.